Project Diary

Date of Release : Wednesday, May 13, 1998
Well, we're back from CGDC. Mahk, Tom, and I went to the conference, while Doug was there as a speaker. Thief was being shown at the 3DFX booth, which got us a preview in the show coverage at

The show was very educational, I'm sure (the people who paid for us to go like to hear things like that). We also got to hang out (and, of course, play Settlers of Catan) with old friends, industry luminaries, and Looking Glass alums such as Warren Spector (our longtime pal from Ultima Underworld days, now at ION Storm), Ned Lerner and Art Min (now of Multitude),
and Matt Toschlog (still working on those Descent games of his, and apparently enjoying himself tremendously).

But enough of the misty-eyed reminiscences. Back here at what Mahk likes to call "the bubbling cauldrons of game design," we're entering our final push to prepare for this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Atlanta. Mission production continues. Naturally, since we're not done with all the missions, and I won't let people stop. In related work, we're getting a bunch of new object models in the game, and preparing mission-related texts like briefings, hints, and
background fiction. Yesterday we had our first big recording session with our voice actor for Garrett, our protagonist.

Our motion-capture processing for new creatures is underway, but since we were able to get a lot more captures than we expected, we're having to put extra people on actually processing the
data. So, we had several people over at our mo-cap studio, Adaptive Optical, earlier this week to train up on the process. Thus does our toil translate into tasty gaming quality for you, the player. Just doing our jobs. -Tim

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