Project Diary

Date of Release : Friday, June 12, 1998
We're putting the final post-demo touches on some of the missions we took to E3, and it looks like we're going to go into serious alpha test next week. We actually started testing a while ago, but it's been limited and mainly oriented around E3. Now that we've got some missions, we can unleash our ruthless cadre of gaming fiends.

So, we're pushing ahead to our looming Beta milestone, magazine cover-mount demo deadline, and our upcoming whirlwind European press tour. Kate, Mark, and Laura are busy in their Frankensteinian workshop, making new creatures out of nothing but electricity and the parts of other creatures. The new Crayman, Bug-Beast, and Spider skeletal types should be integrated soon. And as soon as that happens, you can be sure of screenshots. The design crew is working on mission areas, of course, which are looking good. Meanwhile, I've been stealing time from the usual post-demo schedule meetings to work on scripting object behaviors, starting with doors you can break down (not stealthy, but effective), and alarm gongs that ring when you shoot them (a great diversion).

We've just got another really good reaction to our E3 presence, this time from Emil Pagliarulo, Editor-in-chief of The Adrenaline Vault. In his E3 roundup he says of E3 in general "I wasn't impressed...all the true-3D, polygonal-based action games are starting to look alike," but despite this picks Thief as one of his best of the show. "I can't even begin to express how much I've been looking forward to this latest Looking Glass project." Thanks, Emil.

In print, we've got a really nice spot in the new issue of PC Gamer, in their "Hot 100" feature on upcoming games. Instead of the usual 1/9th-page blurb, Thief has a big half-page frame. The phrase, "happier than pigs in slop" was used. So, go pick up a copy of this obviously fine magazine.

Today's diary, you may have noticed, was printed with 50% recycled information. We're going green. -Tim

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