the Dark Project - the Games we Play

Date of Release : Thursday, October 07, 1999

What we've been playing lately

MAHK runs a GURPS Illuminati campaign he calls "Gedankenspiel," set in a version of the
Over the Edge universe. He has used Final Fantasy 7 to force Tim to concede that there are good PlayStation games. He wants you to play Settlers of Catan today. Mahk got 70 stars in Super Mario 64.

Tim plays in Mahk's Gedankenspiel run as Angus MacAllan, the world's most charismatic performance artist. If only his real-life minions displayed the slavish and suicidal devotion of his Gedankenspiel followers.

Tim wants you to know, despite the fact that its combats are actually interesting, Final Fantasy Tactics is really a CRPG at heart. Play it. Tim got 90 stars in Super Mario 64, and is getting a wee bit impatient for Zelda 64.

Doug presents the illusion of buying lots of games and leaving them in shrink-wrap on the shelves in his office for lack of time to do anything but work, then every once in a while surprises you by revealing that he actually does play games in the 25th hour of every day. Plus he and Rob "Xemu" Fermier of Irrational Games have a standing weekly appointment to play Wave Race.

Tim, Doug, and a few other Looking Glass folks (such as Flight Unlimited's own James "Jaemz" Fleming) also play in a long-running Dungeons & Dragons game run via road trip by an old schoolmate of theirs now living in Washington, D.C. For reasons lost to the mists of time, the campaign is called Zen Jihad. Doug and Tim are currently the party's front-line fighters, Voodelmar and Yeenthra. Voodelmar does damage; Yeenthra takes it.

Dorian GM's one AD&D run (in which Kate and Peggy play) and plays in another. On the machines, he's been playing Warlords III and HOMM II; on the wood slab, he's been playing Settlers of Catan and Robo-Rally; and on the green carpet he's been playing ultimate frisbee. He doesn't remember how many stars he got in Super Mario 64, but it's an embarassingly small number (in the 20's or 30's).

Greg doesn't play anything much other than his bass gee-tar. That's why he's the boss.

Misty-eyed Reminiscences

We fondly remember vanquishing the Wizard of Frobozz, fulfilling the Quests of the Avatar, and yes, we can name all three artifacts to be found in Dungeon Module S2: "White Plume Mountain."* In recent times we've flown to Cydonia to fend off the alien threat, we've blasted Archviles and Vores, we've even spent some time in the Lonely Planet of Somersaults and Wolves. We know what our THAC0s are, we've failed a few SAN checks, and we've seen almost every use and abuse of a Variable Power Pool.

* Which, by the way, are a sword called Blackrazor, a trident
named Wave, and a hammer named Whelm.

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